New Clause 56.07-4 interactive online tool launched!

Clearwater / Clearwater/Melbourne Water/ DSE/ MAV

This C56 Tool is an online interactive decision pathway designed to assist local planning authorities, developers, consultants and applicants understand and assess whether Clause 56.07-4 applies to a residential subdivision within Victoria.

The C56 Tool is a Clearwater initiative developed in collaboration with Melbourne Water, Department for Sustainability and Environment (DSE) and Municipal Association of Victoria (MAV). It draws together existing guidelines and resources and promotes a consistent application of the Clause.

Representatives from a number of organisations including local government tested the tool in its development stages and identified it as a central hub for guidance, related resources/links and a useful training module for new starters.

Key features of the C56 Tool include;

  • Quick and easy navigation
  • User friendly
  • Guidance, tips and related links are integrated throughout the decision pathway
  • Useful suite of technical fact sheets including on-site treatment considerations, offset processes and WSUD treatment options
  • Advice for council section with an assessment flowchart and checklists


Upcoming opportunity to learn about the C56 Tool and Clause 56.07-4 review:
Clearwater Hot Topics: Integrated Water Management Clause 56.07-4 and beyond

Friday November 16th - Delivered in partnership with Melbourne Water, his half day session provides a unique opportunity to hear how Clause 56.07 is currently being implemented and to inform how any extension of the clause to other zones is approached. The day will feature an expert panel with Q&A, facilitated peer-to-peer discussion and short presentations from State Government representatives.