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Clearwater News and Events

Dear Clearwater Newsletter Subscriber,

Welcome to the latest update from the Clearwater team.

In this edition, we update you on changes within the Clearwater team as we welcome back some familiar faces. 

With recent changes to the Smart Water Fund, the Clearwater resource library will soon be expanding to include over 140 research projects. 

One research project includes the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide - an exciting new web-based tool to assist urban developers, consultants and planners with incorporating Whole-of-Water Cycle Management principles into new developments within the Barwon Region. The tool was developed by the Barwon Region Integrated Water Cycle Management Network with support from the Smart Water Fund. Clearwater will assist with capacity building of the Guide and has three half day training workshops planned:


training and events
Introducing the Urban Water Cycle Planning Guide Workshop
25 March 2014

Overview: Are you a developer or consultant looking to incorporate best practice water cycle management into your new residential...

Maintenance of Wetlands
Tailored training available on request

This half-day practical session includes a mix of indoor and outdoor components and introduces participants to useful tools and...

Maintenance of Street-scale WSUD Assets
Tailored training available on request

This half-day practical session will include both indoor and outdoor components and introduces the use of the latest Melbourne...

Understanding Water Sensitive Cities for Council
Tailored training available on request

This tailored course provides an excellent introduction and overview for those new to the concept of Water Sensitive Cities and...

Clearwater team changes
07 March 2014

There are a number of movements within the Clearwater team: We are excited to have Emily Phillips return as Clearwater Manager....

Smart Water Fund Knowledge Hub is moving to Clearwater
06 March 2014

The Smart Water Fund was established by the Victorian Water Industry in 2002 as a key part of the industry's response to the ongoing...

Urban water futures discussion paper
05 March 2014

The National Water Commission (NWC) is undertaking work to advance urban water reform in Australia. As part of their engagement...

Stormwater Harvesting - Turning a grey city green
14 February 2014

Today marked the official opening of the Birrarung Marr Stormwater Harvesting Project in the City of Melbourne. The scheme captures...

Case Study: Rieschiecks Reserve Stormwater Harvesting Project
17 January 2014

The sports oval at Rieschiecks Reserve, Doncaster East, is an important community asset and is used extensively for cricket, football...

industry events
OzWater 2014

29 April 2014


2014 Stormwater Victoria Conference

05 May 2014

Creswick, Victoria

VicWater Annual Conference

11 September 2014

The Langham, Melbourne

17th International Riversymposium

15 September 2014


Do you have an industry event that you would like to add to the Clearwater calendar?

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990 La Trobe Street, Docklands, Vic 3008 Australia t.03 9679 7711 f.03 9679 7499

e.info@clearwater.asn.au w.www.clearwater.asn.au

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